AXO Designer Cabins

Create the look and feel you like. Combine colors, materials, lighting, mirrors, handrails and fixtures to achieve the ambiance that fits both your ideas and your building. Choose from one of our four interior design lines or design the whole car to your own taste.
Stainless Steel Designer Cabin

Stainless Steel Hairline Finish

Stainless Steel Designer Cabin

Powder coated & Stainless steel

Stainless Steel Designer Cabin

Stainless Steel Hairline Finish

MS cabins

Mild Steel (MS) Cabins

Half Height Rare Wall Mirror

Half-height Rare Wall Mirror

Full height Rear Wall mirror

Full-height Rear Wall Mirror

Left & Right Rear Wall Mirror panels

Left & Right Rear Wall Mirror

Left & Right Side Wall Mirror panels

Left & Right Side Wall Mirror

Glass Brushed

Glass Brushed Side Walls

SS Ddesigner Cabins

SS Designer Cabins

SS Ddesigner Cabins

SS Designer Cabins

SS Ddesigner Cabins

SS Designer Cabins

SS Ddesigner Cabins

SS Designer Cabins

SS Ddesigner Cabins

SS Designer Cabins

SS Ddesigner Cabins

SS Designer Cabins

SS Ddesigner Cabins

SS Designer Cabins